Neither Pure Nor Wise Nor Good

Currently inactive, but I may come back to this format one day.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ear Candling

My midlife crisis arrived last Monday, via FedEx from China. No, I don't mean I ordered a mail-order husband (if there are such things). My midlife crisis is not a sports car or "another man." It's a new computer. This is my first blog posting from it, and in fact it's already the longest thing I've written on this very alien laptop keyboard (previously, the longest things I had typed were passwords and "outgoing mail server" settings, and so forth. I must say, though, once you get used to typing on one of these it's not so bad (provided, of course, that you've got it on a table).

Not only is it a new computer, and of a type I've never owned, it's also a Macintosh, so I have to get used to an entirely new way of doing things. This morning I managed to import my photos from the PC--all 1850 or so of them that were on it--but then I managed to copy each of them twice, so I had over 5500 photos, suddenly. I still haven't figured out a way to delete them en masse, so I've bee going thorugh and deleting them two or four or six or eight at a time.

Here's one of them:

People who have been to this house will recognize that as me, sitting at the dining room table as I am now (hooray for wi-fi) in front of our old kitchen. The t-shirt from Muir Woods makes it a picture taken after May 2002, and the old kitchen dates it prior to September 1, 2003.

Oh, and what the hell am I doing? That's called ear candling--you can buy them at natural food stores, and they're great for heating up and draining ugly old hard wax from your ears. Okay, you know I'm no longer young, or, since I'm willing to share this picture, vain.

I could have shared photos any time I wanted to from the PC, but now that I have this new computer I want to make this blog both more frequent and more colorful. Let's see if I make good on that promise.


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