Neither Pure Nor Wise Nor Good

Currently inactive, but I may come back to this format one day.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

An Architecture Geek's Paradise

Thanks to Denver City Councilman Doug Linkhart (he's everyone's councilman, as he holds one of two "at large" seats), who has a newsletter that gets sent to my email address, I have found the ultimate website for anyone interested in the built environment in Denver (primarily central Denver): This is put together by a professional urban planner with what I have to admiringly say is the most incredible attention to detail I've ever seen on a website like this. There are interactive maps, photos of works in progress, and best of all, a blog. This blog isn't one where you can post replies, but he's much more religious about updating his than I am of this one--and as a professional urban planner affiliated with UCD, he gets all the goods on everything. Do visit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. what a resource.
i've been enjoying your blog for a few weeks now - but that has only meant a few entries.

10:46 PM  

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